Been there The WT does a good job of turning the wife against you when your DF'd and have no intention of going back. Mine became paranoid convinced that I must be the devil incarnate. ( I started attending church ) Fortunately the kids were older the youngest our son was 15 and they chose to move out of the family home with me Had peace of mind after that No longer living with this crazy person. I did not contest the domestic violance order which she got from the courthouse after the police refused to give her one. Where are the bruises the police asked "He is cunning he does not leave any "she replied Later my son asked her Why don't you want to live with dad her reply "I cant live with a man that bashes me" My son said When did dad bash you She did not answer but changed the subject Imagine if she said that to her witness buddies they would not question that statement but sympathize with her not a direct lie but an inferance that leads to believing a lie. We fell in love and where happily married for nearly 20 years I got screwed by the control the WT had over my wife. Actually we both got screwed Cause if it wasn't for that cult we would still be together That's what really bugs me I couldn't find a way to overcome the mind control
Sorry about the rant I do understand and Good luck with the court case ( oooh I said luck )